Saturday, December 12, 2009

Solid Ground

    Isn't it crazy, the moment you realize you can move on from something that has been holding you back for so long from pressing forward with your life.  When you realize the one thing you once loved most in the world is now the thing that's hurting you the deepest because you've been letting it keep you from being used by God for something bigger.
     John Mark's song says it best with the line, "I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about ... how He loves us!"  Its so true.  This life is like a moment passing in time and every second wasted is another closer to the end.  We have so little time to do all we can for the kingdom, shouldn't we make it our life's mission to do everything we can, to run down the path God has laid out for us.  To not hesitate when it is so clearly laid out in front of you.  There may be a fog over the path, we may not be able to see any farther than where our next step goes, but we can take that step.  We can put one foot in front of the other in faith and know that the ground is solid beneath our feet as long as we stay on the path.
    "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, fro tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Matthew 6:33-34
     This life of mine I worry about so much.  I worry that I will do with it what God desires and yet so often I don't have the faith to let go of my life and let Him do with it what he wishes.  I here the call so loudly one day and the next it falls silent.  Here is to learning that when you here you obey and you follow until you here again.  You do not stop or stray just because you don't get constant affirmation.  If we're faithful and diligent, there is no way God is going to let us mess up his mighty, powerful, perfect plan.

I will look back no farther, but only ahead at that one step directly in front of me and upward to the promise of a better place with no more tears or suffering.

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